Astronomy Art Project around Gravitational Wave

This personal art project created abstract symbols around the astrophysicist Kip Thorne who discovered gravity waves. I started with a stock portrait that I had then began experimenting with techniques that eventually gave me the final image. I needed something else to do besides corporate photography and this year-long project gave me great satisfaction. The art was created in Photoshop or a digital capture of paint splatters and drippings.

Edward Carreon

In the beginning, he aspired to smuggle gems from Sri Lanka and live on the island of Fatu Hiva where Gauguin painted. Instead, he moved to Micronesia and got lost for two years. Fell in lust. Slid down a coconut tree; very painful. Saw a blue moon. Was attacked by sharks but got lucky. Built houses, speared fish, Fell in love. Went home empty-handed.

Went to school, got bored then graduated. Lived in Mexico, fell in love, and got drunk with a cartel hitman. Lived in an Indian village, broke two ribs, lost all his money on a cock fight, got lost in a cave but now is found. Published widely acclaimed work. Made Mama proud. Worked for newspapers. Worked for The New York Times. Walked in the desert, got a heat stroke, thought he saw God or Jerry Garcia. Recovered. Worked for Life, Fortune, Newsweek, and National Geographic.

Went to Cuba and smoked cigars. Fell in Love. Married in Havana. She saw him coming a mile away. Fortunate tragedy. Recovered. Worked for the New York Times, Discovery Channel, Amgen, Target, etc.

Worked in Latin America. Fell in Love with the wrong woman then Fell in love with the right woman Got Married, wife, kid, beagle, and garden. The whole nine yards. The beagle ate the house. Likes tomatoes, green tea, impossible hikes, and Ayahuasca ceremonies. Most pressing question: "Who are you ?"

Business Lifestyle Project


Industrial Photography Project for Coastline Rentals